Squeegee Klean LLC will take every reasonable precaution to prevent damage to plants, shrubs and grass and trees. We will thoroughly wet down all plants, including grass, shrubs, and trees. As the cleaning of your shingle or tile roof progresses, we will saturate all plants, as required to protect them, and then rinse your plants down some more. This complete and thorough rinsing dilutes the roof cleaning chemicals enough in activity, that we don’t have much to worry about.
Some one man roof cleaners who work alone, and lack a person on the ground to protect your landscaping, apply an already diluted mixture to your roof. This weak mixture costs them less to apply, and allows them to “get away” without having a ground person to rinse it off your plants. The cost savings to them allows them to be a little lower in price, but beware! That is a plant growing on your roof, and this plant must be killed, or it can grow right back in no time!
Squeegee Klean LLC gives you your moneys worth, by applying a cleaning mixture that is strong enough to kill the plant growing on your roof.
We will always have at least two professionals on any given job. One man works the roof, the other man works the ground. The person on the ground responsible for keeping everything wet in case of over spray etc. It is very seldom that we have any problems with plants, but it is not impossible.
We are always honest with our customers, and tell them the truth. If you can’t tolerate a yellow blade of grass, there are plenty of Pressure Washing Companies here in the region area who will gladly ruin your roof. These types of companies use high pressure water only, instead of chemicals to wash your roof with.
Yes, your plants will be safe with them, and your roof will be clean. However, if it is a shingle roof, 1/2 of it will be on the ground!