Employee Documents
Squeegee Klean Company Manual Operations Manager
Squeegee Klean LLC – Hazard Communication (08/2015) 1
The practices and procedures described herein constitute the program, by which S q u e e g e e K l e a n LLC will comply with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, (29 CFR 1910.1200 and 29 CFR 1926.59). More importantly, this is to be done to protect the employees of this organization.
Steve Konarzewski is the facility coordinator for implementing and administering the hazard communication program for this company. This program will be maintained along with the list of all
hazardous materials/chemicals and safety data sheet (SDS) files and will be available to all employees during any working hours.
This facility does not manufacture or import chemicals; therefore, the various suppliers or manufacturers of the products we use perform hazard classification. In instances where the validity of the information provided by the supplier is in question, or where the SDS is not supplied, the product will not be used until Steve Konarzewski has been consulted and has given approval. Steve Konarzewski will not allow the product to be used until the SDS is obtained.
Attached is a list of all hazardous materials/chemicals that are produced, processed, stored, used or otherwise present in this facility or in company vehicles. Steve Konarzewski will maintain this list. This list will be kept with the safety data sheet files and updated on a regular basis. The list will be maintained with the SDS and this written program. Squeegee Klean LLC – Hazard Communication (08/2015)
Safety data sheets (SDS) are obtained from the manufacturers/suppliers for all chemicals/materials prior to their use at the facility. Steve Konarzewski will be responsible for maintaining the SDS’s. The safety data sheets are maintained at the following location(s) within this organization: Digitally: www.myfilthywindows.com/MSDS and employee accessible PDF file; In Print: All
company vehicles and office location.
Containers of hazardous materials/chemicals at this facility are to be labeled. The manufacturer/supplier label will be used where possible, identifying the material, the manufacturer name and address, the appropriate hazard warning/classification and hazard statement, including pictograms. All secondary containers will be labeled as well, using the same information noted for manufacturers’ labels above when available. All labels will be legible, in English and prominently displayed on each container. Steve Konarzewski will be responsible for labeling all containers within the facility. This includes incoming, outgoing and secondary containers.
All employees are provided training and information on hazardous chemicals in their work areas at the time of their initial assignment and whenever a new hazard is introduced into their work area.
Employees are informed of:
1. The existence and requirements of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard;
2. The components of the hazard communication’s program;
3. Operations in their work area where hazardous chemicals are present;
4. Location of the written hazard communication program, the list of hazardous chemicals and safety data sheets;
5. Hazards associated with non-routine tasks.
Squeegee Klean LLC – Hazard Communication (08/2015) 3
Employee training includes:
1. Methods to detect the presence of a hazardous chemical in their work area;
2. The physical and health hazards of chemicals in their work area;
3. How the hazard communication program is implemented in the work place, how to read and interpret information on labels and safety data sheets, and how to obtain and use the available
4. Measures employees can take to protect themselves from hazards, including specific procedures required to provide protection against hazards (work practices, personal protective equipment, and emergency procedures).
Employee training and information requirements are satisfied through, handouts; MSDS list studying and periodic safety meetings and training. All training will be documented and copies maintained by Steve Konarzewski
A list of any non-routine tasks that may need to be covered before employees conduct the task will be attached to this program. Non-routine tasks are those tasks that are seldom done by employees of this company and involve hazardous materials in conducting those tasks. If a task that is not listed as a non-routine task is to be done, Steve Konarzewski will review the procedure to conduct the task with those employees doing the task prior to the work being done.