First, watch the video. Then, submit photos/information, below.
Receive Quote in
under 24 Hours
Details & Photos
For most accurate quote and fastest response:
Submit all service details and photos.
*Submit Photos & Get $30 OFF!
Providing this additional information will improve the accuracy and delivery time of quote… especially for large and unique homes.
Receive Quote in
1 – 2 days or less
Photos ONLY
May not be as accurate without form details:
Submit photos without service details.
*Submit Photos & Get $30 OFF!
Receive Quote in
1 – 3 days or less
May not be as accurate without photos:
Submit all service details with NO PHOTOS.
The easiest, quickest and most convenient way to get a quote, is to submit photos with this form.
For your effort, I am extending you $30 OFF your estimated prices reflected in your delivered quote.
In most cases, 4 to 6 photos is all that will be needed. For very large or unique homes, providing more photos will increase the accuracy of the quote.
Please take all photos “LANDSCAPE-STYLE” (hold phone sideways) providing full front, back, and sides of home along with a close-up or two of windows and any other areas for other requested services (decks, patios, gutters, sidewalks, chandeliers, etc.)
*WITHOUT PROVIDING PHOTOS, quote response time may be delayed and could be less accurate.
Although OPTIONAL, providing this additional information will improve the accuracy and delivery time of quote (especially for large and unique homes). If you don’t have the time to fill it all in, NO WORRIES… we’ll work with whatever you are able to provide!
Photo Example 1:
Easy Peasy!!!

In this example, the client has a very straight forward home and wanted pricing on window cleaning only. However from these photos, I can also gather quotes for soft washing, gutter cleaning , gutter brightening, shutter restoration, roof cleaning, pressure washing of the front sidewalk and deck. If the client was also interested in these services, these images would be perfect. The only other thing that would make the quote more accurate would be another pic of the deck area from on the deck and also from on the steps of the deck looking at the lattice area.
Photo Example 2:
The more photos, the better!

In this example, the client’s home was not so cut and dry straight forward. They live in a pretty wooded area and have a modern home with many areas and lines that are not easy to take pics of. For a home like this, the more pics – the better… and more accurate quoting. This client wanted pricing on window cleaning, roof cleaning, pressure washing of the pool concrete surround, front porch area and sidewalk, side decking and walkway to the gate, and pool area and the back deck near the pool surround and back deck that comes off the house.
These images accurately show what is needed to get them a price. With these pics and the info that was filled out in the questionnaire, we were able to provide an accurate estimate with a 95% rate. This took the client about 5 minutes to submit, and we were able to schedule within 3 weeks from the time the submission was received… which saved them $30 off their quote!